Friday, January 27, 2012


Here are some extra pictures of things around Tampa:

The Tampa Theatre (one of these times I might get to go inside!)

Old City Hall

There were signs for Billy Elliot everywhere in Downtown Tampa. I couldn't find one for our show.

Little did I now what a problem taking a picture of this squirrel would cause. I had just taken pictures of the old Nebulous Records sign when the squirrel jumped up on that bench. Naturally I took a picture. Well of course there was an indigent woman also on the bench, and she raised a fuss about me taking a picture of her. Despite the fact that I showed her the picture was of the squirrel and not her, she would not back down. I had to threaten to get the police involved just to make her shut up. Sad (and irritating)!

Nobody cared that I took a picture of this bird.

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