Thursday, January 26, 2012

Extracirricular Playing in Tampa

Some of the musicians on tour like to seek out playing opportunities outside of the show. Not me. I get enough of that at work! Brett and Matt had been trying to get something setup to play, and it finally came together in Tampa. A friend of a friend arranged for them to play at a tea shop one night after the show, and it is a good thing. Tampa was Matt's last week with Beauty and the Beast. Talk about coming down to the wire!

Merritt likes to get himself involved too.

Sheffield above, Me with Julie (Sheffield's mother) below

The second playing opportunity was at a little party that the crew arranged. Laci, one of our wardrobe people, likes to paint and has been collecting her paintings for people to look at off stage. So the crew thought it would be fun to have a little art show for her. So they reserved the same rooftop bar that we had our Wizard of Oz opening party at and set up her work for everyone to see.

Mr. Pickles is Laci's mascot.

The crew was able to convince a larger group to play that night including Catherine our new bass player. Incidentally I had worked with Catherine at Gateway Playhouse the summer before and was excited to have her join the tour.

Merritt again!

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