Sunday, January 15, 2012


After our unexpected day off, we did actually make it up to Atlanta. I had been looking forward to playing Atlanta because my only other visit for the International Clarinet Association Convention left me with just a small sampling of what the city had to offer. Sadly this was not my week to go crazy in Atlanta. The roads and sidewalks were extremely icy and perilous for the whole week, and many places were closed. The show did go on, and in fact we had surprisingly good crowds considering the horrible roads.

I made the best of the situation that I could, but honestly the ice made for unpleasant exploring. I can somewhat understand the roads being a mess given they do not have the road equipment to handle it. The sidewalks on the other hand were inexcusable. I mean it was as though the invention of the shovel had not yet made it to Atlanta to break up the ice and clear it off so that people could walk without killing themselves!

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