Friday, January 6, 2012

The Culmination Of My Life's Work

As fortune would have it, Mom and Dad were returning from a trip to Disney World while we were playing Birmingham. Now since they always drive through Alabama in order to avoid driving through Atlanta, it worked out perfectly that they could stop in Birmingham to spend the night, see the show, take home most of my luggage, and bring a very important item. I am not sure that they were really excited about seeing the show again, but they agreed to help me out. I was looking to send most of my luggage home because I ended up planning a quick trip to New York City after we finished in Birmingham.

The whole reason for the New York trip is that The Pee Wee Herman Show was revived and playing on Broadway. Now Nate Patten was given two tickets to see The Pee Wee Herman Show for Christmas. At some point I had divulged my obsession with Pee Wee Herman to Nate so he invited me to use the other ticket. I had been planning to take the opportunity to fly up to NYC anyway in order to see Pee Wee so the offer of his other ticket sealed the deal. Oh and as for the special item Mom and Dad brought, it was my Billy Baloney doll. I was hoping that Pee Wee would autograph it after the show.

The theatre that Pee Wee Herman played at was the old Henry Miller's Theatre which had just been renovated and rechristened the Stephen Sondheim Theatre. I wonder what Sondheim thought of the fact that the inaugural production at the Stephen Sondheim Theatre was The Pee Wee Herman Show?!

Oh and as for the show it was amazing! Sadly Pee Wee did not sign after the show. He did come out afterwards to talk to everyone, but he claimed to be sick. He certainly did sound under the weather, even in the show, so I forgave him!

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