Sunday, January 15, 2012

Snow Day! (Well Ice Day To Be Precise)

After finishing up in West Palm Beach on Sunday, we were scheduled to fly up to Chattanooga, TN for a one-nighter. Then on Tuesday we were to bus down to Atlanta to finish out the week there. Well Mother Nature had different plans for us. She crippled that region of the country with an unusual ice storm on Sunday, and put us in a holding pattern for Sunday night. Ultimately our original flight and any subsequent attempts at rebooking were cancelled. An attempt to stick us on buses did not work out either so we were stuck in West Palm Beach. The show in Chattanooga was postponed, and we got a free day in Florida! I spent my day hanging out with Glenn and Damon, and used the day as an opportunity to snap a few photos around the house.

We cut up and tried a couple of oranges from Glenn's fabled orange trees. They were not good!

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