Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Texas A&M (Don't Mind The Guns)

None of us was very excited about our next week after Houston. It was going to be a whole lot of traveling for a handful of shows. Plus College Station, TX; Athens, GA; and Statesboro, GA were not very exciting locations to me. Things did look up though for the end of the week with Sarasota, FL.

Our performance of Wizard of Oz in College Station was on the campus of Texas A&M. I did not know that much about Texas A&M except for the tragic collapsing log fire incident from a few years ago. So as we turned into the campus, I was slightly taken aback by the sight of a large group of uniformed men marching with guns. It turns out the ROTC is a big deal there. Who knew?

I'm not sure what this big clock tower thing is, but I took a picture of it anyway. Perhaps a carillon?

The Texas A&M campus is not a beautiful campus. Most of the buildings are functional and uninteresting. Especially the theatre!

The one bright spot to playing College Station was that we were going to have an opening night party. Well that is until we got to the theatre, and were told the party was off. I never heard why though. In a way it is sad. I might have actually learned what the A and M stand for. Oh well maybe next time!

1 comment:

laura c said...

I thought A&M stood for Agriculture & Mining, but NO! The school was Agricultural & Mechanical College of Texas until it became a university (1963) & they kept A&M as part of the name but it no longer stands for anything in particular! Now you know?!