Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Performing In The Kravis Center (Or The Auschwitz Center As I Call It)

I was excited to perform at the Kravis Center because of all the times that I have visited Glenn, I have never actually seen the theatre. I have always checked to see if there was a show playing when I visit, but it has never worked out. Well now that I have played the Kravis, I hope that I never play there again. Okay perhaps that is going a bit far. If you saw the title of the post, you might have found it to be in poor taste, but that is the only way to describe the conditions in the pit. The pit was so hot with absolutely no air circulation that I felt like I was being baked alive in an oven! I will be the first to admit that I am a person who does not deal with heat very well. In fact I would gladly take 20 degrees and snow over 90 degrees and sun, but this was unacceptable. There were times that I felt like I was going to pass out because it was so hot. Patrons be damned, what about the performers?! Part of me was actually hoping that I would pass out just to make a point!

As for the theatre itself, it appears to have been decorated in the modern cruise ship style. After I analyzed it though, I realized that if there was going to be a theatre in West Palm Beach it should look exactly like the Kravis. Very fitting!

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