Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Ain't No Party

So this year in Raleigh we were to have an opening night party which we didn't have last year. Great. It was to be located in the one of the nicer restaurants in downtown. Even better! The invitation said free appetizers and champagne while they lasted. Hmm questionable?! So we all dutifully got dressed up and headed to The Mint after the show. What greeted us was four plates of appetizers (two plates each of two different varieties) and a small table with enough glasses of champagne for most, but not all, of our company to have one. Lame! And then to make matters worse it turned out to be some publicity thing for a little girl who won a contest to meet the cast. Totally lame! It ranked right up there with Greenville's party. Well actually Greenville had plenty of food (even if it was gross!).

The chorus boys with two of the four plates of appetizers.

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