Sunday, June 21, 2009

Goodbye Yellow Brick Road

Once again I am breaking from the chronology of my blog to post in the present. Tomorrow is our last performance (#224) of The Wizard of Oz year one. I have closed many shows before, but this one is a bit depressing to me because I was not able to find a gig for the summer. I do need a break from the show though since I will be going out for year two in October. My hope is that I will get in a substantial amount of practicing, and lose my tour weight over the summer (before I go back out and regain it!). I do still have a fair amount of blogging to catch up on and I will post periodically during the summer. Here is what to expect from the rest of tour:

Orlando (layoff week)
Boston (layoff week)
Rochester (200th performance)
Madison (layoff)
Dallas (opening and closing night parties)

Now back to West Palm Beach.

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