Monday, June 1, 2009

Goodbye, Houston...Hello, One Nighters

All during our second week in Houston the city was setting up for a festival in the park right next to the Hobby Center. I was really starting to look forward to it. I should know better than that!

I enjoy a good city festival, and It looked like this one would be quite good too. Unfortunately the city of Houston charged an admission price of $15 to this festival! Yet another reason to love Chicago (can't wait for the admission free Taste of Chicago!). They also closed off most of the streets right around the theatre thus making a detour of several blocks necessary. And now I love to walk so the detour would not have been such an annoyance except that it poured with rain all weekend. Below is a picture of my clothes hanging up in the hopes that they would only be moderately damp by the time I left the theatre. I was absolutely soaked, and I had an umbrella. Stupid Houston and their stupid $15 festivals!!

In the end my second trip to Houston proved to me that I should not just take it for granted that I am going to have the same experience when I return to a city with a different tour. I actually had fun this time in Houston (well except for the above mentioned), but I was ready to leave. Two weeks is rather a long time in a place like Houston. Next up was College Station and the lead into our last week of one nighter hell.

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