Thursday, June 4, 2009


We covered a surprising large number of cities in Florida with The Wizard of Oz this year. The tour teched in Gainsville and played in Tampa, Orlando, Miami, and now Sarasota. (Add to that the upcoming Tallahassee and West Palm Beach engagements and that covers quite a few of the big cities in Florida) I really did not know much about Sarasota going into our weekend there. In fact I did not really even know where it is located in Florida. Just a vague idea that it is on the gulf coast.

I left Sarasota feeling like it was a fun place, but maybe not one of my favorite Florida cities. The downtown area is pretty cute with some fun restaurants. Our hotel, while not glamorous, was on the water and did have beach volleyball and a tiki bar. I actually played a bit of volleyball, but I had to stop because they were using a synthetic ball. Ouch do those hurt!

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