Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I made my pilgrimage to the Alamo today. It was a series of highs and lows for me. Firstly I was the first person today to ask where the basement was! That certainly was the highlight for me. Then I went to the gift shop to buy a "There's no basement at the Alamo" t-shirt. Image my horror to discover that they do not sell one! I was sure to express my displeasure.

Afterwards, I went into a cheesy little souvenir shop to see if they had such a t-shirt. The little Asian woman working there said, "Nobody would make a t-shirt like that". Yet another disappointment!

Oh and the Alamo itself. There is really not much to see. The building is small, and there were a few artifacts inside of it, but not much else. There certainly were no animatronic Mexican women crushing maize to make tortillas. Nor was Jan Hooks a tour guide. I had forgotten some of the uses of corn, and would have appreciated hearing all of the its uses. Alas!

I did go out and purchase a copy of Pee Wee's Big Adventure so that I can watch it tonight. It will probably be more fun than actually visiting the real Alamo!


Jamie said...

"Everyone I know has a big but, let's talk about your big but."

Laura said...

I know no one else cares, BUT since this would be on my "bucket list" if I had one, "Obispo" means "the Bishop" in Spanish! St. Louis, the Bishop of Toulouse, France, in the 13th century is who the 5th Spanish Mission in California was named after! Now... you know!

Ryan Claus said...

Speaking of big buts. I am really starting to rack up the "bum grabs". Tonight I got three in a row. Also all of the previous ones have been left cheek. Tonight they switched to the right cheek. Switching it up a little bit I guess!