Saturday, April 12, 2008

Pittsburgh: the good and the bad

This is my third visit to Pittsburgh. It seems downtown Pittsburgh is experiencing a renaissance. Each time I return there are more restaurants and more to do. I really have had a good week here so far (with a few exceptions).

-The Benedum Center is a very pretty theatre. I had seen the Pittsburgh Civic Light Opera production of Hello Dolly! a couple of years ago at the Benedum. Hello Dolly! felt like the perfect show for the theatre. The Wedding Singer, not so much! The walls are covered in a very bold pattern wallpaper that would not be out of place in one's wealthy grandparent's estate. From my seat in the pit, I have a great view of one of the disco balls casting its lights on the walls. It is a very bizarre sight!

-We are staying in the Omni William Penn hotel. I will try to snap a few pictures of the lobby so that everyone can see just how amazing this hotel is. It is a beautiful old hotel with huge rooms. It is quite a change from the Ramada Limited in Fort Myers!

-On Thursday a large group of Wedding Singer folk went to the Warhol Museum. I have been to the Warhol Museum twice before, and I will go back anytime I am back in Pittsburgh. The museum always has a good representation of Warhol's work, but they always have other interesting exhibits. My favorite this time was an exhibit of photographs by Martin Klima. He takes little porcelain figures, drops them, and photographs them at the moment of impact. Very cool!

-I found a fun restaurant called Seviche. As you probably guessed, they serve seviche and Latin American inspired tapas. I had a Peruvian style seviche called Tiradito with Salmon, and a chipotle dusted crab salad. Very yummy. I also went back to a restaurant called The Lemongrass Cafe that I have been to on previous visits. The Lemongrass serves Cambodian and Thai food. I love Thai food, and it is interesting to try it with a Cambodian twist. Unfortunately both places had annoying servers. In fact I have yet to receive even decent service here in Pittsburgh.

-As much as I enjoy coming to Pittsburgh, I do have to say that there are too many people on the street asking for money and too many belligerent people. Also within 24 hours I have witnessed two examples of outright thievery. Sadly in both places the employees did not seem at all surprised by the shoplifting.

-There also seems to be a bus stop on every block so there is always a group of people standing in the way on the sidewalk. There are also large groups of people standing outside smoking everywhere you go. We have to pass a group of people from the Culinary Institute smoking right outside the stage door. Very annoying!

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