Monday, April 28, 2008

"The stars at night are big and bright...

(clap, clap, clap, clap) deep in the heart of Texas."

We have moved on from Dallas to San Antonio. Today was my first bus trip between cities. It was not bad at all. Of course it was only five hours on the bus. Just long enough to read a little, sleep a little, and watch a movie. In fact to get into the spirit of the trip, we started to sing the above little ditty. And sure enough, the bus driver clapped his hands and finished the song with us! I was very amused.

I had a good time in Dallas with one exception. I hope that we never have to deal with a hotel shuttling us to the theatre again. It was a fiasco. My favorite episode was walking out of the the hotel to catch the 7pm musician shuttle while looking at my phone which read 6:58pm. When I looked up from my phone the shuttle door slammed and started to drive off. So I waved my arms and yelled some choice words, and they stopped and picked me up. Sadly I was the second to the last to board the shuttle that day!

I did not have much excitement during my last two days in Dallas. I did some laundry at a bar/laundromat on Saturday. It was actually pretty fun because the bar was a total dive. The machines had graffiti all over them. Well basically the entire place had graffiti all over. Sadly I actually felt safer at "The Bar of Soap" than I did at the laundromat the hotel shuttle took us to the week before! Alas that I could not partake in a drink from the bar though as I had another show to play that day! Yesterday I found a Target that was right across the road from a Dallas light rail train stop. If only I had know that 2 weeks ago and not on my last day in town!

San Antonio promises to be fun. It is a very charming and interesting town. They have a riverwalk that is lined with restaurants and shops. And of course there is the Alamo. It is actually right in the middle of downtown San Antonio just a couple of blocks from our hotel. I walked past it this afternoon. I do plan to pay a visit one of these days so that I can ask where the basement is. It will be the culmination of my life's work, and then I will be a complete person.

1 comment:

Laura said...

First let me say that I'm writing this standing up cuz Smokey's in the computer chair snoozing, so any typos are his fault. Interesting to hear your "bucket list" will be complete with such a small, even "Pee Wee" thing! Also, I just found out from her Dad (long story!) that 2nd cuz Holly (she works @ Borders) put Johnny on the porch Christmas Eve! I could say that completes my "list" but I don't even have one yet, but I think finding out what "Obispo" means might be on it?!