Saturday, April 5, 2008

An Afternoon With Jimmy Beck!

So I am happy to say that Jimmy made the 3 hour trek down to Fort Myers yesterday. He did have to drive back that night because of work the next morning. Sadly Jeremy could not come because of work. And I of course had the show last night. Stupid work it gets in the way of everything! But Jimmy and I did the best we could with the limited time that we had.

Neither of us were really dressed for the beach. I had also just been to the beach the day before. So we ended up doing what we always do. We went to Target, the outlet mall, and ate dinner! Thankfully some things in my life will never change!

I needed the trip to Target partially due to withdrawal, but mostly due to Target's ridiculous online bill paying which locks up your account if you are wearing the wrong color underwear that day. It makes me very angry!

So having accomplished that we headed off to the outlets. The outlet mall was really nice with some good stores. For once Jimmy bested me. I only ended up with a new pair of shoes. Okay so I know that Mom and Jamie just brought me two new pairs of shoes that I had ordered from Aldo, but these shoes were perfect for The Wedding Singer. Very 80s-tastic!

Jimmy on the other hand ended up a couple pairs of shoes, a couple of shirts, and 4 soup spoons. Yes soup spoons. Apparently their soup spoons are still in storage in South Bend. Or so he says. This could be some strange obsession of his. If in future visits to the outlet mall (he and Jeremy live only a hop, skip, and jump away from outlets in Orlando!) he buys more soup spoons then I will worry!

We left the outlets with our bags in hand and headed to The Macaroni Grill for dinner. Jimmy had the spinach florentine salad, and I had the seared scallops salad. As we ate Jimmy called Sam Brown to surprise him. Sam was sufficiently surprised, and we both got to chat a bit. Sadly though, Jimmy had to drive back after dinner. He had to work at 6:45am so he did not think staying to see the show and then driving back would have been a good idea. I have to say that I agree. There will be other shows! (Hopefully)

So tonight is my visit from Uncle Glenn and his entourage. It should be exciting!

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