Wednesday, April 23, 2008

And You Smell Like An Elephant's...

I am adding a new feature to my blog. As you now know, I end up onstage playing my saxophone for the Finale of the show. After the Bows end, the show curtain comes down and we have to play the Exit Music from the stage. Since the curtain is down basically all bets are off. The show is over for everyone but the musicians. Some highlights of what I have witnessed happen behind the curtain are: the star of the show collapsing to the stage, a wrestling match between the TD and the carpenter, the back doors opening and load out starting as we are playing, and basically anything that the props guy does. Now one day Steve, our fly rail guy, made a joke about grabbing my butt as I play. My response was, "bring it on". So he did. Apparently our bums make an irresistible target as I have now been grabbed or slapped by four different people now. It has extended to the cast who conveniently form a conga line that travels behind the musicians during the Finale! So I decided to start a list to chronicle the abusing of my bum onstage. Enjoy!


JIMMY said...

Well, my comment is on the Exciting and new Assault on Ryans bum log... I hope the list continues to grow..... as I dont think I ever did THAT in the elevated pit and/or onstage... somehow I feel left out....what gets you on the list? a smack? a squeeze? a pinch? a passing lift?
what if you choke on your reed?

Ryan Claus said...

You are right. I am pretty sure that there was no bum grabbing in the elevated pit. That was on the list for this year!
For the most part I receive a light squeeze. I am wearing a tails coat so a pinch would be difficult. I am also tensing up to make up for my lack of being in shape so lifting is not possible. So far I have not been surprised enough to choke on the reed, but we have many more shows left!