Tuesday, April 15, 2008

...On The Wheels of a Dream.

It is amazing the difference having wheeled luggage makes. I no longer feel like my arm is going to sever at the shoulder as I try to carry my luggage through the airport! Anything to make travel day more bearable is welcome.
I am here in Dallas now. I just got home from meeting Sherry K and Vickie at the Fairmont Hotel, scene of the Pillsbury Bake-Off. I will give a report on that tomorrow. Hopefully there will be even more news to report on if I wait until tomorrow night!


Brian said...

Yes, indeed! Wheels make all the difference! And...creamy salmon cups sound delightful!

Laura said...

Sherry's picture was in today's local paper & she's wearing a way cool hairnet and you know how I LOVE hairnets -- I just may have to come up with a recipe to get into next year's finals! Go Sherry, ya done good!!!!!!!!!!

Ryan Claus said...

I am excited to see the hairnet. Make sure that you save the article. As for next year, the good news is that you have 2 years to prepare your recipe. The bake-off happens every 2 years.