Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Summer Sun's Calling My Name

I did not think that I would actually do it, but I went to the beach today. I rode along with Max, Eric, and Ben (reed II, bass, and guitar I). We went to Fort Myers beach, and it was quite pleasant. As you might remember, I did receive a bit of a sunburn on Tuesday as I went to go buy some sunscreen, amongst other things. Today I used a combination of rub on SPF 55, and spray on SPF 70. That seemed to do the trick for my pasty white Indiana complexion. I did not worsen the previous burn, and I actually got a bit of color. I did have to endure many jokes about my "turtleneck or bathrobe" in a can though!

The beach was really nice. It was crowded, but not oppressively so. I actually got guilted into playing a game of bean bag toss, and believe it or not beach volleyball. Sadly I was not any better at volleyball than my previous attempts in high school and college! Alas! I did discover just what rubbing sandpaper on sun burnt skin feels like though.

Tonight we are playing beer pong by the pool. (Hey I am catching up on all of the things that I did not do in college because I was in a practice room!) Tomorrow is my one month anniversary so I ordered a couple of pizzas for everyone in the pit. Tomorrow is also hopefully going to be my visit from Jimmy. He was having car issues earlier in the week so hopefully he will have a car to make the drive from Orlando to Fort Myers!

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