Saturday, March 8, 2008

Well I survived!

I played my first show tonight, and I survived. It went pretty well. I hit one really wrong note, but apparently I am not the first to do that. Plus it was a mechanical issue as opposed to a brain fart. But how does one convey that without sounding like a really big baby? At least I got that out of the way when I can still use the "newbie excuse"!

Ultimately it must have gone well as I only got 3 or 4 notes from the conductor. And now Nate is a nice guy, but he would definitely tell me if he felt something was wrong or could be better. My next show is tomorrow night. I am going to observe again tomorrow afternoon. If nothing else it will save my chops for 2 shows on Sunday!


Brian said...

Congratulations! Can't wait to hang out next week... Bailey's Chocolate Bar!

Ryan Claus said...

Mmm chocolate!

Earle said...