Monday, March 17, 2008

The Saga of Atlantic City

So from the very beginning of my time here, there have been these rumors of possibly extending the tour to include 9 weeks in Atlantic City. The company manager asked me on my first day if I would be able to play for the extension. Unfortunately I am using up all of my gig leave time with the three months that I originally agreed to play. If I had known beforehand, I might have been able to work it out, but I cannot give up my day job for 9 weeks of work. Also considering the verbal abuse that I received at the hands of my coworker, I shudder to think what the reaction to an additional 9 weeks of gig leave would be. I would probably have to negotiate for an armed bodyguard!

Now that the details of the extension are coming out, I am not as disappointed that I cannot do it. They are cutting the living stipend for everyone because the hotel is more expensive. They are providing free meals cards for the company to use at the casino, but the company is staying 6 miles away from the casino in a Clarion Inn. It also sounds like most of the orchestra will not be extending so it is going to be an almost entirely new orchestra. Plus I am just not sure that I want to spend 9 weeks in Atlantic City. Everyone says that it is rundown and depressing. Oh well!

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