Friday, March 7, 2008


Firstly, my baggage did arrive yesterday. Unfortunately there was an issue. I should have know as the AirTran baggage representative left me a message saying that he needed to speak to me about my bags. That is never good! It turns out that my bags were "left in the rain". How one's bags could be left in the rain is beyond me, but AirTran is a discount airline after all! So most of my clothes ranged between moist to soaked. I lost a couple of books, but thankfully my clarinet was fine.

Now for the surpirse, I am playing the show tomorrow (Friday). Nate, the conductor, pulled me aside tonight and said, "I hope that this does not rock your world, but the musical supervisor wants you to play Friday night and then observe again on Saturday afternoon." Okay?! I was originally supposed to play Saturday afternoon for the first time. At this point watching one more show is not necessarily going to make much difference so I say, "bring it on!"

1 comment:

Brian said...

Break a leg tonight!