Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A few thoughts...

-Firstly I went to the St. Louis Art Museum today. It was a pretty average art museum as these things go, but I had an extraordinary lunch at the Wolfgang Puck restaurant in the museum. I had seared scallops on a bed of corn pudding. It was garnished with some edible flowers and greens. Very tasty!

-The downtown area of St. Louis is pretty depressing. There are many closed down shops and old buildings sitting empty. There is a Macys, but it is pathetic. In fact I have yet to find a drug store anywhere in downtown. You cannot spit without hitting a Walgreens in the Chicago Loop. Thankfully there are some places to eat. It does make me realize how spoiled I am to have a great city like Chicago so close.

-The Fox Theatre in St. Louis is unbelievable. To begin with it is huge. The orchestra pit is a gigantic chasm that separates the stage from the audience. We are also pretty low in the pit. The decoration of the theatre is out of control. It is very much over the top like the Oriental in Chicago. I am definitely going to have to sneak my camera in and snap some pictures when no one is looking!

-I have added a link to the right for my Flickr photo journal. I don't want to slow up Mom and Dad's computer with too many pictures, so I am putting the majority of my pictures on Flickr.

-Finally, I realized something today that took me by surprise. I am happy. That is not to say that I was unhappy before, but I am currently happy with my life. This tour was absolutely the right thing for me to do at the right time in my life. No regrets at all!

1 comment:

Brian said...

Happiness is... playing in the pit of a first national tour! Doesn't it justify the countless hours of practice and theory that you had to endure in school?!?!? I long to be on the road again... they were some of the best days of my life... and happiest.