Monday, March 17, 2008

Saturday Night in the City with Brian Jose

So for those who do not know, my good friend Brian is a fellow IU alumni and a fellow performer. I have traveled many different places to see Brian in shows. The most memorable being the trip to see Brian in Miss Saigon at Gateway Playhouse on Long Island with Eric and his incredible smoking car. (To summarize we made it to the theatre but the engine was issuing a great deal of smoke when we parked the car. The only way that we were able to make it back to Manhattan was to drive 30mph on the Long Island Expressway and stop every few miles to refill the engine fluids!) But I digress.

One of the most exciting parts of the tour for me is that finally my New York / college friends now have a chance to hear me play a show that does not involve coming out to Nappanee. Brian was actually the first to plan his visit to The Wedding Singer. He has a friend, Danny (I'm so bad with names! Brian please correct me if I am mistaken.) who lives in St. Louis so he killed two birds with one stone.

Brian got into town on Friday, and we went out after the show. We went to a fun place that brews their own root beer called Fitz's Soda Bar and Grill. It is in a very fun college hangout part of town called the Loop. They were also kind enough to take me to a Walgreens afterwards to stock up on some essentials! Again see the complaint about the lack of drug stores in downtown St. Louis!

Brian and Danny then saw the show Saturday night. Afterwards the plan was to go to a place called Bailey's Chocolate Bar that was much hyped by Brian. I am happy to report that it lived up to the hype. Obviously Bailey's specializes in chocolate items, but they have other fun treats. Brian and I ended up splitting our meal. We started off with a cheese platter. They have a list of cheeses divided up into three price categories. We opted for three cheeses; fontina, brie, and a Norwegian cheese called Gjetost. The platter also came with an assortment of breads, berries, and nuts. The whole presentation was fantastic, but the Gjetost was the stand out. It was unlike any cheese that I have ever eaten. It was very soft, almost the consistency of peanut butter, and had a very nutty taste. I paired the cheese with a glass of pinot grigio. Then we split a pear bread pudding dessert. Needless to say it was to die for! I also got a white chocolate raspberry martini with dessert. Not that the martini went particularly well with the pudding, but it is a chocolate bar after all. I needed to get something chocolate! I am trying to convince some of the actors that we need to take a trip to Bailey's. Hopefully I will be successful as I really want to go back!

All in all it is a most fun weekend with Brian. I am glad that he got a chance to hear me play, and see the amazing Fox Theatre. Also many thanks to Danny for driving us around town. It was a pleasure to hang out with him as well! Sadly though I had my camera, I was a dunce and did not take any pictures with the boys! Curses!


Brian said...

Ahhh...the memories! T'was a wonderful time had by all! Thanks for the tickets and my first visit to the Fabulous Fox- amazing! Enjoy the rest of your stay!

Earle said...

Aw. South Bend Chocolate Cafe has been sad....well, not really, since its not much of a comparison, but I thought I would throw something in there....