Monday, March 24, 2008

Goodbye St. Louis, Hello Raleigh

We arrived in Raleigh this morning leaving our two weeks in St. Louis behind. Here are some thoughts:

-St. Louis turned out to be more fun than I had anticipated. The first day that I walked around downtown it was like a ghost town. Raleigh seems like a ghost town, but I have learned to reserve judgement.

-I am going to add some more pictures of the Fox Theatre to Flickr. My pictures of the house did not turn out so well. I tried to be sneaky one afternoon and take pictures with no flash. Most of them turned out slightly out of focus. (As one would expect) So on Sunday after our last show I was brave and took some with the flash. What were they going to do kick me out of the theatre? Unfortunately the bright lights in the house were on so some of those pictures are dark. So you are getting a combination of okay pictures and blurry ones. I am also including some shots of the various wall paintings different shows have left backstage over the years. I had a hard time getting a picture of ours because it was a tight corner hallway with dim lighting. I guess that we are not as important as Chita Rivera!

-A big thank you to Earle for taking my reed and mouthpiece order today. I am playing through reeds at an alarming rate. I asked the other reed player for mouthpiece recommendations in the hopes that I will find one that will take softer reeds and require less blowing my brains out! We shall see.

-Raleigh has a CVS just 3 blocks from the hotel!

-I ate at a Tapas Bar tonight. I had seared scallops with chipotle-cauliflower puree and orange-sherry gastrique. The cauliflower puree did not have much taste just a little kick. The gastrique was okay, but I did not feel that either sauce was an amazing pairing with the scallops. I also had a tuna tartar with cucumbers, cilantro, lime juice, spicy mustard served on fried pita. The tartar more than made up for the somewhat disappointing scallops! It was fantastic. Given my obsessive tendencies, I see more tuna tartar in my future!

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