Friday, March 21, 2008

Jellicle Cats come out tonight

So last week it was the High School Musical Ice Show performers that were in town. (Or Skating Marys as they were affectionately known!) They were in the same hotel, and we met some of them in a bar one night. I actually considered going to see their Thursday 10:30am show. (I did see Starlight Express on Ice after all!) But when no one else was committed to go, I realized that it would be me alone with a stadium full of teenage girls. Needless to say, I quickly came to the conclusion that I would rather pull off my fingernails with rusty tweezers!

Tonight the touring cast of Cats was making a stopover on their way to Kansas City. Now the theatre world is small enough, but reduce that to the world of non union touring theatre and the degrees of separation become almost nothing. So we all tried to go out to a club to hear a singer and her band. When we arrived the club was too full and so went to a club across the street. I got to meet the current Grizabella, Munkustrap, and Rum Tug Tugger on the Cats tour. They all seemed to be nice enough, but it was an education of how good we have it on our tour. They are traveling by bus. We are flying. The Cats performers have a 2 hour call (3 when they are in a new city). Our actors generally show up at one hour before curtain. We musicians show up at half hour. And we do not have to play Memory night after night! For once the grass is not greener on the other side!


Unknown said...


This is my first chance to comment and I just want to let you know how incredibly jealous I am. Of course I only write that to make you happy!

Your blog is really entertaining. Thank you for including me. I hope I didn't invite myself rudely or anything like that. It was great to see your comment on being truly happy. It was a brave thing to write and I am very happy for you. Cograts on the sax. I'm hoping to buy a Yani sop with my new 25% off dealer net deal. First I'll have to wait for the dust to settle. I'm working my but off for now which is a good thing. I had become such a attitude slug working for Mr. B.

I really hate the way things were left. I wish there was something I could do because I love you both.

Take care

Maybe you should think about staying out. It seems like it's where you are supposed to be.


Ryan Claus said...
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Ryan Claus said...

I am glad that you find the blog entertaining. I am also glad that you are jealous! Just kidding!!!

As for the comment about being truly happy, it was an actual revelation. As with all things, I am sure that it will diminish, but this is the realization of my life's dream.

I am glad that the new job is going well. And you also know that I fully support the purchase of a Yanagisawa!

I also hate the way that things were left, but I also wish that you had been there to understand why I feel the way that I do. It was unacceptable, especially given that fact that I considered her to be a friend. One does not abuse ones friends or even coworkers that way.

As for staying out, well I do not want to be cryptic and weird so I will leave it at that!