Monday, March 17, 2008

Crazy, fun times at the Flamingo Bowl

So I have been with the tour now for 2 weeks, and this is my 4th night of free drinks. It was also the first open bar night. And what a night it was! I was very proud of myself. Even after 5 pints of hefeweizen, I was still able to bowl in a way that did not endanger anyone else. I was actually alternating strikes with nothing. Eddie beat me in the one drawn out crazy affair that was our attempt at bowling. Curses!

Some of the highlights of the evening include smuggling out a piece of a broken ball. How the ball got broken I do not know, but Gregg the drummer is now a proud owner of a piece of it. Holding that stereotypical "drunken" conversation with Merritt the star of our show. It was the dreaded, "Hey man I respect you. I respect people who do different things like you do..." conversation. (I am assuming that he meant the repair work?!?!) It even included a fair amount of friendly finger poking. Well that is when he was seeing straight enough to be able to find me. Ah good times!

But in general it was everyone getting together having a good time and taking the concept of open bar not as a mere invitation, but as a challenge!

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