Saturday, March 22, 2008

How many musicians does it take...

to make a batch of cotton candy? Yes Gregg, our drummer, now has a cotton candy machine at the theatre. Why you might ask? Well it is a long story, and you really needed to be there. But suffice it to say that we now have a cotton candy machine. Sadly contrary to what you might be thinking, we have not been enjoying any cotton candy yet. Gregg got it yesterday before the evening show, and through a combination of not reading the instructions properly and overzealousness, we were unsuccessful in actually making the sugary treat. Most people got pelted with pink sugar though. Well we still have over two months left to perfect the technique.
An addendum to the original post: Gregg has now had success with the cotton candy machine. The problem that we face is that it takes too long to warm up so we generally do not have enough time to make large quantities of candy. It is too loud to have in the pit, and we do not leave it on in the dressing room for fear that it will end up coating the entire room with sugar! Ah the trials and tribulations of being a musician!

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