Sunday, March 23, 2008

Bailey's with a splash of the family

So today was group number two of visitors to The Wedding Singer. Yes Mom and Jamie made the 5 hour drive down to St. Louis to see the show. I am guessing by their reaction (mostly Mom's) that it was worth the trip. Certainly it was worth it to show off the new "boyinthepit's Mother" sweatshirt. So they got in a bit early and I sent them to the Nadoz Cafe. I did not hear what they had to eat, but I had a most yummy Curry chicken panini there the other day. They saw the show, and were surprised (well again mostly Mom) by what I am not revealing here on the blog as of yet. Afterwards we attempted to get a few pictures. Now in my defense, I did have my camera, but I left the memory card in my computer after uploading the cotton candy pictures. So once again I had guests and no pictures to show for it. Jamie did snap a couple with his camera phone, and one of them is attached to this post. (I love that it says Jersey Boys. Maybe when that tour goes non-union...) We ended up going to Bailey's Chocolate Bar for dinner. Yay!! This time we branched out into their pizzetas. I had a yummy sausage one, and Jamie had mushroom. We did also get a cheese platter. Note to Brian Jose, if you are ever there again with more than 2 people sharing the cheese platter, get the extra bread. It is certainly worth the $3. After leaving Bailey's they dropped me off at the theatre. I left them with some of my winter clothes, and they brought a bag of my summer clothers. And as I type this message at midnight, they should have gotten home by now. It was a fun time for me, hopefully they also agree. Now the question is: Will Mom be able to resist coming to another town to see the show again? Pittsburgh is only 7 hours and 22 minutes according to Yahoo Maps!


Laura said...

With a little help from Ryan in St. Louis, I'll try to make my 1st blog comment ever. I had a great time eating, seeing Ryan's show, eating... & I know Jamie at least had a "good" time cuz we saw a wild turkey running alongside us on Interstate 70 & those white birds in the swamp!

Laura said...

Comment #2 - I hit a strange key & couldn't finish #1! Anyway, it was great knowing we could have waited for Ryan at the 'stage' door like all those times he & Jamie waited to see the performers in all those musicals when they were growing up! I wonder if there was a future performer waiting by that door yesterday?!

Ryan Claus said...

Yes there were some "future performers" there yesterday. They did not ask for my autograph so I kicked them out of my way!! :)

Unknown said...

I've done the trip to Pittsburgh in about 5 hours before....granted I was breaking several laws at the time