Sunday, March 1, 2009

Continuing Our Tour of the ...villes: Fayetteville

There were many reasons why I was trying to hate being in Fayetteville, Arkansas, but in the end none of them were really valid. To begin with, it was a college town although school was not in session when we were there. The theatre was really close to the campus so there was a Jimmy Johns and a used bookstore in the area. The gym was really nice and actually offered RPM (not that I ever got up early enough to attend class!). We were in an Extended Stay Hotel so I ate somewhat healthy that week. And there was a Dennys within walking distance from the hotel so I was able to get a little late night grease.

On the downside, we were about 11 miles from the venue so we had to ride the bus in every day. Also there is not much to do in Fayetteville unless you have a car. One day out of sheer boredom (and the need for a Target fix) I walked 5 miles to go to the mall. Sure I could have taken a cab, but I enjoy taking epic treks to fun destinations. I am pretty sure that this is my most epic walk to date, but tour is only half over! Otherwise, that was about it for exciting activities.

The theatre was an okay facility meaning that it wasn't a hideous eyesore like the Bob Carr in Orlando nor were the stage or pit really cramped. My problem with the theatre is that it is named for Sam Walton (i.e. the founder of Wal Mart or as I like to refer to him: Satan). I had that not so fresh feeling all week knowing this. Oh well at least it wasn't the George W. Bush Arts Center. Not that he would know the arts even if he were shot in the face with them by Dick Cheney.

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