Sunday, March 15, 2009

National Arts Centre, Ottawa

I know that I have made this statement before, but I can now say The National Arts Centre in Ottawa is the most confusing theatre that I have played. Firstly it is a complex of several performing and rehearsal spaces like The National Theatre in London or The Kennedy Center in DC. The venues at the NAC are designed as a series of hexagons which makes navigating the backstage areas very confusing.

Our first day there, I happened to run into Nate on the way so we walked in together. Except that he did not know where the stage door was so we just entered from the front of house. Then once I got backstage I just started to wander around until I saw some sort of sign for the orchestra pit. Well it turned out to be the wrong orchestra pit. So with the help of 3 different local employees I eventually found the correct pit except that the last guy could not let me in because it was locked and he did not have the magic key. Thankfully everyone was pleasant enough, and I eventually was let into the pit. The stage door turned out to be on a lower level of the complex that was only accessible through an adjacent park or the exit of the parking garage. It was very confusing!

See hexagons

As we learned on Saturday night, the lowest right box in the above picture is called the Governor's General box. It is used for heads of state like for instance the Prime Minister. After our Saturday matinee, we noticed a group of important looking people being lead around backstage. Turns out they were the Prime Minister's security detail because Prime Minister Harper was attending the evening show with his family. I have to say that it was pretty cool to have a head of state in the audience, even if I would have had no idea had we not been told. Afterwards, he headed down to the stage, and we got to meet him and took pictures. I am trying to get a copy of one of the group shots. I'll post it as soon as I do.

As much as I found the exterior of the Arts Centre disappointing and very uninteresting to look at, I did like the interior of the Opera House where we played. The ceiling created a very neat effect with the lights and panels. The pit was also very spacious and clean. And there were two practice rooms right outside the pit door. That never happens!

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