Friday, March 27, 2009

New York, New York... It's A Helluva town

Once again I am departing from the chronology of my blog. To make matters worse, I am moving past a post about my trip to New York with Heather to posts about my run of The Wizard of Oz at Madison Square Garden. So please bear with me. We have now been in New York for 5 days, and we started performances yesterday. It has been really exciting, and not really the terrifying experience that I thought it would be. Rumor has it that The New York Times is coming tonight. I am more than slightly anxious at what kind of reviews we will get! Oh well, I'm having a great time, and that is probably all that matters.

This is my view (through the plexiglass) of the WaMu Theatre at Madison Square Garden.
I will post more in the next week, but I wanted to at least get these pictures up. Needless to say, I have been seeing shows, meeting up with friends, and just in general using up the extra per diem they are giving us for our two weeks here in New York. In other words, there will be plenty to post about!

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