Thursday, March 12, 2009

Caitlin and Ryan's Canadian Adventure Part 1

Caitlin and I had made plans to have a tourist day this week, and we chose today. Of course it turned out to be the coldest, windiest day of the week. We are talking about 4 degree wind chills! But of course I persevered. We knew that we wanted to tour the Parliament, but then we heard from another cast member about the Question Period (that will be explained later). The Question Period starts at 2pm so we decided to go to the National Gallery of Art first.

In terms of art museums, the Canadian National Gallery was pretty good. The most interesting thing about the Gallery is the building itself. The entrance and side of the building facing the Parliament Hill are made up of glass panels which create fantastic views. If photography had been allowed, I would have gone nuts! There is also a giant spider sculpture outside the entrance. I am not sure if there is any particular significance to the sculpture or where it is placed, but it is fun nonetheless. As for the art itself, it was interesting to see the gallery of Canadian art. I realized that I have almost never seen Canadian artists in the other art museums I have visited.

After a couple of hours in the museum we headed across the street to have a look at the Notre Dame Basilica. Caitlin wanted to see if they had a mass she could attend on Sunday, and we wanted to try and have a look inside. Thankfully the cathedral was open to visitors. Unfortunately there were others inside doing their church thing so I did not want to pull out my camera, but again I would have had some great pictures! Oh well.

My favorite part of the giant spider was taking a picture from the perspective of it attacking the Basilica! Well one can dream.

I love the metal spires. They catch one's eye from all over town.

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