Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Scranton Cultural Center aka Masonic Temple

As much as I was impressed by the architecture in Scranton, I found the "Cultural Center" to be a mixed bag. To begin with, I never saw the words Cultural Center anywhere on the building. The building is actually the Masonic Temple. I never saw any kind of marquee for the cultural center or sign for our show. I did find this billboard right by our hotel.

The exterior of the building and the lobby were quite nice.

The interior of the theatre was extremely dark so most of my pictures were bad. At this point I had not gotten a new flexible tripod to replace the one lost with my other camera. I did like the creepy little figure with the mandolin though. I'm glad that he turned out okay!
We did have an opening night party in Scranton. On the whole it was just like any other opening night party except that there was a huge spread of food. There was so much food in fact that they could have invited the entire opening night audience and had enough food!

As for the stage and pit, the term cramped comes to mind. This pit is probably the tightest fit that we have experienced so far. In fact when The Drowsy Chaperone played here they had to put the drums in a remote location. The above picture does not really do justice to just how tight the pit was, but I was sitting so close to Nate that we could actually talk during the show!
Scranton was the last stop before our excessively long 4 week layoff. Once again, I think that everyone really needed a break, but 4 weeks was just too long.

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