Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Few Last Thoughts From Ottawa

One thing that I found frustrating about playing in Ottawa was the fact that this display case is the only bit of advertising that I found in the city. There were kiosks all around the National Arts Centre, but not one of them had our poster in it. This display was in the box office, but there were no flyers or anything to take away. It was amazing that we had an audience at all.

This is my best attempt at getting a good picture of the Parliament West Block building. Oh well!

I love visiting foreign countries if for no other reason than getting to use play money. Canadian money is fun. The $5 bill has hockey players on the backside!

The Rideau Canal runs through the center of town and along the backside of the Arts Centre. During winter it becomes the "Worlds Biggest Skating Rink". Rumor has it they filmed the epic chase in Blades of Glory there. Unfortunately it was too warm to take advantage of the ice. The snow for that matter. I also looked into cross country skiing in Gatineau Park.

I love visiting Canada, and I look forward to my next visit. Vancouver Olympics anyone?!?!?

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