Saturday, February 28, 2009

Walking In Memphis

I had never been to Memphis before we made a stopover on our way from Greenville to Fayetteville. I did come close last year though. After I knew that I had been hired to play for The Wedding Singer, I checked the schedule to see where the tour was going to play before I joined it. My thought was that I would drive there and see it. Memphis was the closest city to Nappanee which wasn't really that close at all. Plus I was dealing with an unpleasant situation at my day job (i.e. Sue going completely insane) so I did not take a road trip. Now that I have been to Memphis, I completely regret it!
Memphis is famous for blues music and barbecue: neither of which I enjoy. But it was still a cool place to hang out. We got in somewhat late that day so we did not have all that much time to explore, but really one doesn't have to explore much in Memphis (and probably shouldn't for that matter!). Beale Street is the place to be. Beale Street is a stretch of restaurants, blues clubs, and shops all contained within a couple of blocks. Joel had recommended a couple of different restaurants to us, and after looking at their menus online I chose Blues City Cafe. As it turns out, Joel was also going there so we had dinner and then met up with some of the other Wizard folk in the club.
After listening to some rather good Johnny Cash covers, a bunch of us shifted gears and went to The Flying Saucer for some speciality beer and soft pretzels. The Flying Saucer is one of those places that you learn about while on tour. It is a small chain of restaurants which specializes in good beer. They even have a mug club for people who are crazy enough to try all of their 200 or so offerings. I somehow think that I will not be on tour long enough to even come close to that! Memphis marked my third location for the Saucer, and as we discovered there was a fourth one in our not too distant future!
So after all of the revels we eventually dragged ourselves back to the hotel so that we could go to bed for our 5am bus call!! Boo!!

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