Saturday, February 28, 2009

New Year's Eve in Greenville

New Year's Eve has always been one of my most hated holidays. I always feel really torn on New Year's Eve because for the past 10 years it has meant the end of the theatre season at Amish Acres, but with that came the end of my theatre paycheck for the year. More importantly though it has also meant the dreaded New Year's Eve Cabaret at the Round Barn. Sadly the cabaret over the years has always ended up being a thrown together at the last minute affair, which never turned out the way that it was planned. Also as a holiday I do not see the point in celebrating the end of one year and the beginning of a new one. It seems very arbitrary, depressing, and strange to me.

This was the first year in 7 years that I was actually able to do something else besides act like I was playing something for the Round Barn cabaret on New Year's Eve. It was also my first New Year's on tour. As fate would have it we were in Greenville for the holiday. I have to say that I actually enjoyed New Year's Eve this year, and the best part of being on tour for a holiday is that the company plans and pays for the event. All I had to do was show up, eat, drink, and have a good time!

So many of us showed up in a vest and tie combination that we had to have a group picture. (I'm not sure how TJ and Bruce who are obviously not wearing the outfit ended up in our picture though!)

Nate and I have several pictures with this same pose and same expressions on our faces. We have decided to make it a recurring theme. He will alternate the shade of blue and I will wear a different skinny tie.

Ryan 1 and Ryan 3 (and some one's tongue)

I think that this picture is worth slightly more than 1000 words!

The annual pit-audio-wig picture (We were trying to get a band picture and ended up with two additions to our group.)

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