Sunday, February 22, 2009

And Now For The "Hate Crime" Leg Of Our Tour

Perhaps the title of my post is a bit harsh, but I have to say that this leg of the tour was one that I did not anticipate with much excitement. After all any city that could harbor an institution like Bob Jones University, is not a place I want to spend time visiting.

On the plus side, this was our first taste of warm weather in a few weeks. Also the Peace Center while not the most elegant theatre ever designed, was a nice spacious facility. Well with one irritating issue.

We had to endure two fire alarms during our week at the Center. One of them happened on Sunday during the Matinee. We had just gotten to the scene where the Wicked Witch makes her first appearance when the alarm sounded. They cleared out the entire building including the audience. After waiting for the fire department to give us permission to reenter, we then had to wait for the electronics in the pit to reboot. It ended up taking so long, that they just set up a second keyboard, and Joey played from the keyboard for the remainder of Act I. Oh and the cause? A local wardrobe crew member was steaming a costume under a fire alarm! Because of the delay, the venue had to provide us with dinner between shows so we all got free Jimmy Johns!

I tried to take one of these sidewalk ads for myself, but after picking it up I decided it was just too gross! And really what would I have done with it?!

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