Thursday, February 12, 2009

Proctors Theater

The Proctor's Theater in Schnedtedy was a pleasant surprise. So often the theaters in smaller towns might be beautiful old theaters, but are too small to fit the full set. Thankfully that was not the case here. The theatre had recently been renovated, and we were able to do the entire production.

As I was going through my pictures for this post I only had a couple of pictures of the interior of the Proctor's. I was really disappointed, because it was a really nice stately old theater.

Our weekend in Schnectedy was somewhat all about Brett. He was interviewed and photographed for an article in the local newspaper. I couldn't resist taking a picture of Brett having his picture taken. I am really disappointed because this picture is with my old camera and not very good, but I do love that Chris is in the background making a face!

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