Thursday, February 12, 2009

Schnectedy (spelling?), NY

So as if it wasn't bad enough that we had to fly back on Christmas day to rejoin the tour, we spent the night in the Wyndham at the Newark Airport. Merry Christmas to us! In the morning, we all hopped on the bus and headed up to Schnectedy.

We were only in Schnectedy for 3 days, but really that was enough. There is not that much to do. We had great audiences for the show which made us all happy, and almost made traveling on Christmas worth it.

Brett who plays the Reed 3 book actually grew up in Schnectedy, and his parents still live there. They invited the orchestra over on Sunday after our matinee for a pizza party. It was quite fun, and we capped the evening off with a rather spirited game of Trivial Pursuit. Also coincidentally, Brett's birthday was just a couple of days after we left Schnectedy so we had a little celebration one night. Joelle, Brett's girlfriend, drove down which is always fun. I love hanging out with Joelle, and cannot wait to see her play Shawntel in Jerry Springer the Opera!

I took this picture for Mom. If you have seen and analyzed the 12 Days of Oz video from You Tube , you may have noticed that all but the top of my head got cut out of the clip of the orchestra. The video was filmed and edited by Chris, our Tinman, so as retribution I took this picture.

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