Thursday, February 5, 2009

Das Boot

Joel, our company manager, is from Wisconsin. He grew up not too far away from Madison so he was our tour guide for the weekend. One of the activities which he highly suggested was to go to Das Essen Haus and play the boot game. Basically the boot game involved drinking beer from a glass (or plastic nowadays) boot, but there are many rules involved with the game. For example once picked up the boot can not be placed on the table again until it is empty. Also the toe of the boot must be pointing up whilst drinking, and one has to flick the boot with a finger after they have drunk their share. The boot then gets passed around until it is empty and then the person who finishes the boot has to pay for the next one. (I think. It was rather complicated, and there is a lot of beer in one of those boots!) So Chris, Brett, and I joined up with Joel for a rousing night of beer and pretzels at Das Essen Haus. I of course swore up and down that I was not going to drink from a communal boot, but I after much pestering I acquiesced. If nothing else I had a bit of a cold, and I thought I might teach them a lesson! We did play by the rules, but we did not really play to win. I have to say that there is an art to drinking from the boot. The reason for keeping the tip up is that an air bubble forms when the boot is tipped up. For the inexperienced boot drinker this can mean a faceful of beer. Thankfully I had been warned so I was able to avoid catastrophy.

Oh Joel ever the jokester. I'm sure that he purposely wore his boots to Das Essen Haus!
Oh and we drank two boots!

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