Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Deja Vu in Montgomery, AL

Okay so it is not that I really recognized the city itself but that I wished I had gone in earlier. It was that lesson that touring keeps trying to teach me: if you want to take pictures and see interesting things on a one nighter you have to go in early. Of course the flipside to that is the possibility that there will be nothing to see (or even worse eat!), and I will be stuck for a good three hours.
So when I did get into downtown Montgomery and saw the theatre, remembered that it was the state capital, and realized that I really did want to see the Rosa Parks stuff, it was too late. Alas! Here are the few pictures I was able to get.

The Montgomery Performing Arts Center is a very new facility. So new in fact that there were some issues. Firstly I walked around the entire building and never saw a marquee or any other signage indicating that is was in fact the Performing Arts Center or what was playing there. They did have a really impressive Christmas tree in the lobby!

If only I had had a little more time to get better pictures of the fun lighting effect on the building!

The other major issue was the fact that the pit was really low yet they did not have any risers for the conductor's podium. So in other words, there was no way to elevate Nate so that the actors could see him from the stage. The solution? Stack several of the pit road cases and put a video monitor of Nate at the top. Thankfully it was just for one night.

Why oh why did I not go in earlier and take more pictures?! I love this theatre.

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