Tuesday, January 26, 2010


From Knoxville we headed to Evansville. I have been to Evansville on a couple of different occasions. The last time was back in 1998 for Melissa and Eric's wedding, and before that is was to visit Heather in college. Needless to say, my memories of Evansville were not so fresh in my mind, but I knew enough that I did not make an effort to go early. Especially since our hotel was close to the mall, and there were plenty of different places to eat!

We played at the Center which according to Melissa is new from when she was a kid seeing shows in Evansville. The theatre was quite unremarkable except that it was a big facility.

My memory did actually serve me well for once. The Center is connected to a hotel by a sky bridge. That hotel (whose name I have forgotten) is where Melissa and Eric's reception was held. Amazingly I actually remember that, and Melissa confirmed it for me.
We were only in Evansville for one performance, and then it was on to Owensboro.

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