Sunday, January 31, 2010

Memphis Orpheum Wall Tags

Memphis has some great wall tags. I narrowed down my choices to a select few to keep from boring everyone.

I have fond memories of the Aspects of Love tour. This is the only production of the show that I ever seen (and may ever see), and it is the only show I have seen at the Civic Theatre in Chicago (and probably will ever see there). Interestingly it is the only wall art in the stairwell leading down to the pit. Everything else is backstage.

It seems like The Lion King art is always really beautiful. It would be just like them to travel an artist to paint their wall tags!

This is the most random lineup of shows that I have ever seen.

I like discovering signatures of people that I know. I always look for Brian's signature if there is a Miss Saigon tag.

Sadly The Wedding Singer played Memphis about a month before I joined the tour!

I somehow feel like Memphis has been saturated with Beauty and the Beast. Chances are we won't play Memphis anytime soon!

And the best for last!

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