Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Wai'anapanapa State Park

Our next stop is one that I did not photograph. We were trying to see something called the Blue Pool. Sarah's guidebook said that the drive to the Blue Pool was through private property, but not to be deterred. Well as you drive towards the pool there are signs everywhere saying "Blue Pool Closed. Turn Around!". Sarah was determined so we drove as far as we could, and a couple of our group walked on ahead to see if the signs were wrong. Well the signs were right. The entrance to the Blue Pool was gated closed and there was no way around. Oh well!
So after that disappointment, we continued our journey on the Road To Hana. Our next destination was the Wai'anapanapa State Park to see the black sand beach and the caves with fresh water pools. I had decided that I did not want to go into the water and then have to spend the rest of the day wet so I did not bring my swimsuit. I did however step into the water in the caves. It was very cold! The black sand beach was nice, but not as impressive as the one we visited on the Big Island.

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