Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Royal Lahaina Luau

In making our plans for the week in Maui, our group came up with a few major activities that we all wanted to do. I came up with a couple that I really wanted to do even if it meant walking across the island to do them! It actually worked out nicely that I ended up with one major activity every day.
The first big activity was to attend a luau on Tuesday. Personally I was a bit lukewarm on going to a luau. It seemed really touristy and potentially a waste of time and money, but since there was a really large group of Beauty folks going (including others not in our Maui 9 group) I decided to go too. In the end, I am glad that I did. It turned out to be fun, and much to my surprise the food was really good. The open bar did not hurt matters either (we took cabs just for the record)!!
The evening started with drinks and the unearthing of the cooked pig ceremony. (I averted my eyes for the pig). Following that was a hula lesson, sunset, and then the luau entertainment. I decided that since it would be dark I would video the entertainment instead of trying to take pictures. My disappointing lava pictures were still weighing on my mind, and I did not want to end up with disappointing luau pictures. Jeremy decided to take pictures though and he ended up with some great ones. So really it worked up well because we have both video and pictures.
All in all it was a great night, and now I can cross "luau" off the the list of things that I need to experience in my life.

Above photo by Jeremy Brewer

Above and below also by Jeremy Brewer

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