Friday, October 8, 2010

Hawaii Day Twelve

After the crazy hiking (stairmaster climbing) that I did the day before, I had decided to take it easy and not venture out too far. Ever since being poured on before when I visited Manoa Falls, I had been hoping to make a return journey to get better pictures. The weather looked to be good so I decided to make a return visit to the falls. I also had been wanted to continue on the 'Aihualama trail past the falls that leads over to the Pauoa Flats trail then up to the Nu'uanu Valley Lookout. Mostly though, I was hoping to get some pictures of some crazy Hawaiian birds. Well the good news is that I did make it all the way up to the lookout. The bad news is that the good weather did not last, and in fact by the time that I made it to the lookout it was raining harder than on my first visit. The worst news of all is that I did not get any amazing bird pictures!

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