Thursday, October 14, 2010

Kahekili Highway and Nakalele Blowhole

The thing that you notice right away when looking at a road map of Maui is that there are not many major roads. There are not many roads period. In fact if you look closely, you will notice that there are two stretches of road which most maps (especially ones given by the rental car companies) will show as being not recommended for driving. One of those is the Kahekili Highway which leads north out of Waikulu around the northern curve of Maui and ends up in the resort towns like Kahana (where we were staying) and Ka'anapali. What the guide books tell you is that if you are willing to brave the narrow roads with no guard rails, the one lane bridges and hairpin turns, and the steep dropoffs into the ocean should you drive off the road then there are some spectacular sights along the way. Well needless to say, we were game! Actually another group of Beauty folk had driven the highway earlier, and had given us tips on what to see. At the top of that list was the Nakalele Blowhole. Well one has to drive so slowly on the Kahekili Highway to be safe that we ran out of time to hike down to the blowhole, but we were able to get some good pictures from the parking area off the road.

I am not sure what I was going for in this picture. Cartwheel into the ocean perhaps?!

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