Thursday, October 7, 2010

Hawaii Day Eleven

This blog is going to be the death of me. I enjoy working on the blog, but man it can be frustrating. The internet in our condo here in Maui is not good plus the fact that Blogger is not always user-friendly, and I am more behind than ever. In fact I literally spent two days trying to add one picture to the previous blog entry, but still I perservere.
Day Eleven in Hawaii started with an itinerary full of possibilities, most of which were not fulfilled. There were a couple of hikes that I really wanted to find, but I also had thought that I might visit Sea Life Park, see the Koko Crater Botanical Gardens, or even revisit Diamond Head Crater. Instead I only was able to take the Makapuu Lighthouse Trail and climb the "trail" at Koko Crater.

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