Friday, October 15, 2010

'Iao Valley State Monument

After being dragged away from the crabs, we made our way over to the 'Iao Valley State Park. The 'Iao Valley has an interesting history involving a bit of warfare that was said to have been so bloody that the dead bodies blocked the 'Iao Stream. I had read that the park had a bit of hiking, and that there was an interestingly shaped rock, the Iao Needle, that was much photographed. Well there was not much hiking, but the scenery was spectacular as was the vegetation including Taro Root, which is popular in Hawaiian cooking (and pretty bland actually). Plus it was fun to take amusing pictures with the Iao Needle. Afterwards we headed into town to have lunch at a cute little bistro and discovered the Iao Theatre which had just this summer presented The Wedding Singer!


Guava (smashed)

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