Wednesday, October 20, 2010

O'heo Gulch or the Seven Sacred Pools

Our final stop on the Road To Hana was actually on the road past Hana. If you drive south from Hana you come to the eastern entrance to Haleakala National Park. In the park on this side of the island is an incredible set of waterfalls and pools called O'heo Gulch or the Seven Sacred Pools. Well the Seven Sacred Pools is a bit of a misnomer since there are far more than seven, but apparently the Seven Sacred Pools is a name that attracts tourists?! By this time it was three hours after we left our condo in the morning and most of us were tired especially since we had to drive back the same way. We opted not to hike up to the top of the falls, but decided to be content with what you can see at the bottom.

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